Thursday, February 19, 2009

lets get an xray of that face

SO. the headaches here have been really bad. I tolerate them, but after school i alway feel like i could go right to sleep. i read a lot, and sometimes join my sisters as they watch soap operas transcending national borders through dubbed french, but it all made me kind of dizzy. i thought oh well, i'm just gettin used to the heat, at least i don't have typhoid or diarrhea. Since I came to Mali with a cold and it seems to be holding on to my sinuses for dear life, I figured it might be an infection. Of the sinus. Finally I decided I would be responsible and head to the clinic, as my friend Katie was already going there with one of our teachers (Harber the sage- for he is maybe the wisest man I have ever laid eyes on). I met with a doctor, told him my issues, then without really knowing what I was being sent off to do, holding two test orders in my hand I went and got by blood drawn, and FACE xrayed. hmmm, maybe they were thinking brain tumor from the headaches...I didn't know that mucus blocked xrays...apparently it does. Next day, I find out I have both le paludisme, commonly known to English speakers as the malaria. AND a sinus infection. but they gave me a little party favor too, the xray of my face, which is fun. So now I'm on three different drugs and today I just felt tired and soft. hmmm
Good week though, for serious.
Saturday and Sunday were great - I went to the market on Saturday and saw what I believe to be the worst of the intense crowds of venders. Everyone wanted to show us where the "best" trinkets were, it was hot, my head hurt, after awhile we were getting pretty testy. We bought some beautiful fabrics for a bonne prix though, and took a crazy loud right home on the bus.
The buses here.
Called Soutiramas. They are dark green and look like they are about to fall apart, sound like they are going to just spontaneously collapse into tiny pieces while crossing busy highways. But they only cost 150 FCFAs which is about 30 cents. With a bonus of your bare thigh sticking to that of the stranger next to you.
That night I went out with my brother Tania, who's just fabulous, and we met up with my friends at this little cafe/bar place. Palm trees and love poems galore.
This week has gone by really quickly. I've been feeling more and more comfortable in my house, I especially love all my brothers. They all engage my in such interesting, intellectual conversations, or we just laugh hysterically from teasing each other.
I'm loving the life here.
malaria aside, I'm just rockin out.


  1. poor baby girl! malaria...shit is intense. you sould hab sum whiskey it'll make ya feew bettaahh
    miss youuur face (x-ray or otherwise)


  2. kyra! malaria! that is terrible. i told everyone here that you have malaria, so just know that all of SIT senegal is freaking out and worried about you. how do you feel? do you have a mosquitaire? had you been taking the pills regularly? keep me updated... i'm worried about you! feel better!

  3. OMG MALARIA! Now you can say you´ve had MALARIAAA!!!
    is it wrong that that´s the first thing I thought of when I read this? I´m all about the cool story credit claiming. Either way, FEEL BETTER LOVE.
